Sunday, May 27, 2007

Tubabu time;)

Well, so far so good. When I got to the meeting at 3pm there were 23 girls waiting quietly and patiently for me - 3 of whom did not attend the previous meeting. 3 girls showed at 3:15 and 4 more at 3:30 - all got the boot (Ashauna you wouldn't have made the cuts;)
I gave them a survey to fill out and bring back on Monday - to guage what they know, what they don't, what they want to learn/discuss. Generaly speaking girls here are not outspoken (basically the opposite of me), so I gave them a questionnaire to think about and write in the answers. It prevents them from having to speak in front of everyone...obviously one skill we will be working on this summer. Before long there will be a bunch of mini-me's running around this place with all kinds of priceless knowledge speaking their minds, standing up for themselves, being assertive...respectfully of course. And I promise to watch my mouth this time - don't need a bunch of sailors running around;)
In other news:
It's been hot (the rains are few and far between).
I've been sick again.
Same stuff different day in chez moi.

I hope everyone has a lovely Memorial Day weekend. Love you all!


At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


WOW that is impressive that many girls showing up on time, did you reward them with anything?


At 6:08 PM, Blogger NanettePC said...

yeah, i let them stay in the club. come on now.

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was awfully nice of you, throw them a bone or something!!!


At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just catching up with you - I do that occassionally and I noticed in one of your posts you mentioned a Debi Egan. I never met Debi but I grew up with Nick who I think was her husband and was so sorry to read about. I went to high school with Nick (Beech Grove) and he was a salt of the earth kind of guy. Very sobering. Very sad - he was a good one.

Your service continues to amaze me. I was startled to run into you when you were back in Indy but it is so cool to see what you are doing for others. Definitely a lesson others can learn from - you are amazing.

Just wanted you to know there are lots of people who appreciate you.



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