I'm outta here
I am officially on vaca. I get home Tuesday night, so get at me sometime while I'm home.
I have been looking forward to this trip for a long time - in part because I was sick for so long and it's just nicer to be in familiar territory when you're sick, and in part because I miss my fam and friends like crazy. But a couple of times as I was saying my goodbyes to everyone here I felt the early signs of maybe missing this place while I'm gone. I know! Call me crazy!
Things I may not miss:
1. 108F in my bedroom last week (I'm not exaggerating people, we are talking AFRICA hot!)
2. biking through town in the blazing sun (please consider #1 above when imagining how sweaty I get when biking) arriving at my destination covered head to toe in dirt (I'm relatively sure I have redefined "dirty" here)
3. drinking water that is the same temp as my house (please see #1 above)
4. being sick (please also consider #1 above)
But then there are the things I will miss...
Deep in contemplation...how can you not love him?
These are my little angels;)
Musicians and dancers - you couldn't pay to see it this good in the states. They are amazing!
It took 7 photo attempts (7!!!) to get them to smile. And even then I couldn't get the little girl in the middle (without a shirt) to crack. Isn't she the most adorable!!
Need I say more?
U are an Angel for taking 108 F!
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