Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Oh it's goooooooood

I made it home safely and I must say it is gooooooood! I wasn't on U.S. soil for more than 20 minutes before I had a grande nonfat chai at Starbucks in the JFK airport. That's the way to start it off right!!! I have a new temporary cell number for those who want to get in touch while I'm here...(317) 796-0968. Things are fantastic so far! It's frrrreeeeeezing, but other than that everything is perfect! I had sushi tonight and am standing on carpet (these feet haven't touched carpet in 6 months and it feels so good - it's the little things I miss:) and I am in heaven.

To those in the U.S. - call me!
To those in Burkina - you should be sooooo jealous;) miss you guys!


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