Things I love...
I love love love the little super cute children who see me coming (biking) down the street and drop everything they are doing to run to me (or by me or behind me) and wave their tiny hands (to the point I think they are going to fall off!) and yell "Bonjuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" (I know it's spelled wrong but that is exactly how it sounds.) And when I greet them back their faces light up and they smile and laugh and cheer. I love love love them.
I love greeting the older people I pass on the streets in their local language (which not only consists of saying hello, but also asking how the family and the work are doing and then also having to respond to the same questions) and watching a huge smile appear on their faces:)
I love going for a run after a jam packed day just as the sun is setting (you know I couldn't get up at 5am everyday and run - come on).
I love playing soccer against 10-12 year old girls who are kicking my butt without even wearing shoes.
I love having yoga classes in French while 20 kids stare in through the "windows."
I love cold watermelon that my family serves to me at EVERY meal I eat at the house (breakfast and dinner Mon-Sat and all 3 on Sunday)!!
I love waking up every morning in Africa knowing I have the support and prayers of my family and friends and knowing that what I do each day here is really making a difference (however small) in this world.
and i love reading your blogs and finding out what's going on! It's so fun to read these.....I'm really sad your gone though-
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